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Traction DK inc. Accessibility Policy and Description of the Feedback Process

This policy sets out how Traction DK inc. (hereinafter “Traction DK”) employs a proactive and systemic approach aimed at recognizing and eliminating obstacles for people with disabilities in accordance with the principles of the Accessible Canada Act.

1.Accessibility goals

Traction DK wants to offer its users (employee, customer and any other user) a fair experience and improve the accessibility of its products and services. Traction DK recognizes the right of all individuals to equal opportunities for development and to take measures to meet their needs, without discrimination, particularly that based on deficiencies. Traction DK provides efforts to implement processes and technological means, which will be integrated into an Accessibility Plan aimed at achieving the highest level of accessibility for people with disabilities.


2.Feedback Process

In order to improve accessibility, Traction DK listens to people living with disabilities and invites those who wish to do so to share their comments on:

  • How it implements its accessibility plan

  • The obstacles they encountered when doing business with Traction DK 

Submit feedback

To submit feedback, all users may, in accordance with the Accessible Canada Act and the Regulations Concerning Accessibility Reporting Requirements, contact our manager in two (2) ways:

  1. By email to the following email address: ; And

  2. by telephone at the following number: 514-664-2060

The person responsible for receiving feedback is: Dave Renouf. Feedback can be given anonymously.

Employee feedback can also be provided using the Reporting Form contained in the Code of Ethics available to employees.

Except for feedback provided anonymously, an acknowledgment will be sent to you following receipt of your feedback. We aim to respond to your comments as soon as possible after receiving the request. By providing us with your feedback, you consent to the collection, use and storage of your personal information for the purpose of reviewing and responding to it to better serve you. This information will be treated in accordance with the Traction DK Privacy Policy  .

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