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The short history of the Kanban method



The history of Kanban

After World War II; Toyota publicizes a strategic vision to revive the Japanese economy.


Taiichi Ōno develops a simple but extremely effective business management system consisting of:

• Reducing waste;

• Maintaining optimum product quality throughout the production chain;

• Avoiding oversupply. If certain car models are selling less, the size of the series must be reduced, which implies a drop in stocks. Cars and parts are made virtually on demand. This is just-in-time production (or “just-in-time” production, or “Kanban method”;

• Taking into account the opinion of employees since they are the main stakeholders in the method: they participate in the diagnosis of problems and resolutions;

• Continuously improving the system in an internal dynamic that integrates all the actors concerned, from the operator to the engineer.


Why apply this method in Traction?

Such an organization system allows a decompartmentalization of functions and responsibilities.

While the majority of companies opt for a push system, which takes little account of consumer demands, the Kanban method imposes a pull system, triggered by the initial request from the customer.

The Kanban method is therefore neither more nor less than a customer's order which activates the sales process. Following the request, the customer will be pulled towards the receiving end, step by step, by each stakeholder in the process.

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